Minggu, 04 Desember 2011

How to Make Grape Juice


If the thought of grape juice that comes out of a bottle or can makes your mouth water, wait until you try homemade. Here’s how to make grape juice that’s richer, sweeter and healthier than anything you can buy in the store.
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Things You'll Need

  • Grapes
  • Colander
  • Water
  • Two big pots
  • Potato masher
  • Big spoon
  • Fine-mesh metal strainer
  • Cheesecloth (optional)
    • 1
      Remove individual grapes from their stems and place the grapes in a colander. Set the colander in one of the big pots and run cool water over the grapes. Fill the pot all the way to the top and let the grapes soak in the water. After a few minutes, lift the grape-filled colander out of the pot and empty the water out of the pot. Repeat the process a couple more times to be sure the grapes are clean.
    • 2
      Pour the grapes back into the big pot (no water). Mash them with a potato masher.
    • 3
      Fill the pot with just enough water to cover the mashed grapes. Slowly bring to a simmer and let cook for 10 to 15 minutes. Mash again one or two more times during this cooking process.
    • 4
      Place your colander in your other big pot. Pour the grapes into the colander and let the juice drain into the pot. You may use a big spoon to help push the juice out of the grapes.
    • 5
      Remove the grapes from the colander and set them aside. Rinse the colander clean. Put the colander back on the juice-filled pot, add the grapes and see if any more juice will drain out.
    • 6
      Set the mesh strainer on top of the other big pot. Pour the grape juice through the strainer into the pot. Repeat as necessary to remove as much of the pulp as possible.
    • 7
      Refrigerate or freeze your juice. Dilute with an equal part of water when served.

Tips & Warnings

  • • If you want to add some sugar, do so during Step 3.
  • • As a general rule, 10 lbs. of grapes make 1 gallon of juice.
  • • Instead of a final mesh strainer (or in addition to it), you may use cheesecloth.
  • • Once the juice is separated from the grapes, you may use the grapes for another recipe, or add them to your compost pile.

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